why is not passing model in locale flash message?

def update   ....   if @unsafe_building.update_attributes(params[:company])         format.html { redirect_to @unsafe_building, notice: t('flash.actions.update.notice') }

in it.yml locale file I have:

it:   flash:     actions:       create:         notice: "%{model} è stato creato con successo."       update:         notice: "%{model} è stato modificato con successo."

The message, when I update, is:

%{model} è stato modificato con successo.

Why %{model} is not translated?

Maybe you should pass model as argument?

t('flash.actions.update.notice', :model => @unsafe_building.class)

Yes, now model is passed but not translated.


submit:       create: 'Crea %{model}'       update: 'Aggiorna %{model}'       submit: 'Invia %{model}'

the model is translated in italian, so why

flash:     actions:       create:         notice: "%{model} č stato creato con successo."

does not translate?

The submit tag uses interpolation passing %{model}:

I don't think flashes use it