form_for issue

Hello, I have this object in a controller action. The controller is named "Translation"

def detail @house = House.find(:params[:id]) end

the action loads a view, localhost/translation/detail

<% form_for @house do |f| %> <%= f.text_area :descrizioneEng, :cols => 80, :rows => 6, %> [...] <%= f.submit "salva" %> <% end -%>

the passed parameters are right, the db gets updated correctly, but then I get the localhost/houses/5 page loaded. I'd like to get translation/list instead...


Ar Chron wrote:

Where the user goes after a create or update is the controller's decision...

Here is the controller action...

   def update      @house = House.find(params[:id])

     if @house.update_attributes(params[:house])        flash[:notice] = "Traduzione salvata"      end    end

maybe I found the cause, routes.rb has map.resources :houses

If you want to go to a different page from the update action just add a redirect_to list_translations_url or something like that after the flash[:notice]

Your route.rb looks correct