from can you post any talk discussion there. If you are having any trouble finding your bearings I will be watching closely and do my best to help out!
I just wanted to say that this is super great! I’m new to the rails community but have been loving it so far and I am very excited for the future! A big thank you to everyone.
@samsaffron considering that Rails is hosted on GitHub, I wondered if it had been considered to use the GitHub Discussions beta feature? As in this example or this one.
@sdubois it is certainly tricky getting an objective answer from me, since I am a co-founder of
I guess some big reasons why for a project the scale of Rails a solution like Discourse makes sense are:
We get to keep mailing list mode and very rich notification fidelity
We get to keep one home for all Rails discussions vs a tab on a series of Rails repos
We get to maintain all our history including tons of very interesting topics like reasoning DHH had 14 years ago regarding building a migration system for Rails like: Migrations Vs SQL compare tools
I think beta discussions by GitHub is a pretty good fit for small projects looking to quickly bolt on discussion, but once you grow having branding, categorization, security, tagging, mailing list modes, oneboxes, moderation fidelity and so on are all pretty important considerations.