
I'm confused about the usage of 'validates_presence_of' and the 'default' parameter of the 'column' method. Let's say I have a model that looks something like this:

  class CreateErrorTypes < ActiveRecord::Migration     def self.up       create_table :error_types do |t|         t.column :description, :string, :limit => 254, :null => false         t.column :can_delete, :boolean, :null => false, :default => false       end     end     def self.down       drop_table :error_types     end   end

  class ErrorType < ActiveRecord::Base     validates_presence_of :description     validates_presence_of :can_delete   end

Then in console I do this:

  >> ErrorType.create(:description => "General error")

What I expect is an ErrorType object with can_delete set to false, but what I get is an error saying that can_delete "can't be blank". Why isn't it setting the default value of that field to false??