Hi all,
I've been following this online book: http://ruby.railstutorial.org/chapters/a-demo-app#sec-modeling_demo_users
I ran the commands: rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string bundle exec rake db:migrate
As I understand it I should be able to go to the following URL and it should display a list of users: http://localhost:3000/users
However I get this error:
"Routing Error
No route matches [GET] "/users"
Try running rake routes for more information on available routes."
Have you restarted the server since you made the change? It is not necessary to restart when changing model/view/controller files but if any configuration files (such as routes.rb) are changed then it is necessary to restart it.
Othewise, did you try running rake routes to show you the routes available, as suggested? You may not yet be able to fully understand the output but it is worth following the suggestion anyway. Have a look at config/routes.rb. I would have expected the generate scaffold command to have added something like
resources :users
to it.
In the first chapter another application was created, could it be that the rails server is serving the first application instead of the one from the second chapter of the book?
Assuming that you are running the commands from within the folder of the second application then no. I presume you have run rails server from within the second application.