Using Rspec, factory_girl and permalink?


I’m using Rspec and factory_girl. In my products model I have a method that creates permalinks simply by overriding to_param, like this:

def create_permalink self.permalink = “#{} #{}”.parameterize end

My product factory looks like this:

Factory.define :product do |p| p.sequence(:name) { |n| ‘Product Name #{n}’} p.gender ‘Man’ p.sequence(:price) { |n| 123.00 + n } p.product_url ‘’ p.association :reseller p.association :subcategory end

Then when I try to use the factory in Rspec, like this:


I get the following error:

Failure/Error: Factory.create(:product) NoMethodError: undefined method `name’ for nil:NilClass

Why is that?

Regards Linus

def create_permalink self.permalink = "#{} #{}".parameterize end


Failure/Error: Factory.create(:product) NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass

Why is that?

My guess would be that you're not setting self.brand. I don't see anything in the Factory setting it.


Of course… Thank you! Sometimes when you’ve looked for too long on the code you get blind :slight_smile:

