using polymorphism for tags

I have something like that:

class Commercial < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :announcer has_many :tags, :as=> :taggable end

class Announcer < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :commercials has_many :tags, :as=> :taggable end

class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :taggable, :polymorphic => true end

with commercials (id,name) announcers(id,name) tags(id,name,taggable_id,taggable_type)

now that's not very DRY because I have several tags that repeat themselves for different taggable_type. is there a better way to deal with that?

thanx in advance


You could turn tags into an intermediate join table on a "tag details" class -- although after typing it out it looks pretty ugly. You don't save that much unless your name column is going to be huge or unless you're going to store more information per tag (e.g. create date, counter caches etc).

Schema: tags(id, taggable_id, taggable_type) tag_details(tag_id, name)

class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :taggable, :polymorphic => true   has_one :tag_detail, :dependent => :destroy

  def name   end

  def name=(v) = v   end

  def ensure_tag_detail     create_tag_detail   end   after_validation_on_create :ensure_tag_detail end

class TagDetail < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :tag end

ok thanx, I think I'll stay with the first simple polymorphism solution.