Hello -
Sorry if this is long - I'm erring on the side of giving too much information rather than too little. Hopefully it'll appear organized and easy to skim.
In a nutshell, I'm making a site where people can put together online tutorials. Each tutorial is broken up into sections, and there are two types of sections at the moment: Examples and Questions. I decided to do this with Polymorphic Associations, which look like this:
class Tutorial < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :sections, :order => 'sections.position ASC' accepts_nested_attributes_for :sections, :allow_destroy => true
class Section < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :tutorial belongs_to :sectionable, :polymorphic => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :sectionable, :allow_destroy => true
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :section, :as => :sectionable
class Question < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :section, :as => :sectionable
Defining a Section model this way has been very useful - it has a position attribute, so I can easily keep examples and questions ordered correctly, and it also has an "anchor" attribute, so that the user can define named anchors for the sections of each tutorial (i.e. "houses" for /tutorials/architecture#houses)
Now, I'm trying to set up a nested model form, so that when a tutorial is being edited, all the examples and questions are also presented (in the order they appear in the tutorial) and can be edited there, too.
The section portion of the edit tutorial page looks like:
<% for section in @sections %> <% f.fields_for section do |g| %> <%= g.label :anchor %><br \> <%= g.text_field :anchor %>
<% if section.sectionable_type == "Example" %>
<% g.fields_for :sectionable do |h| %> <%= h.label :title %><br \> <%= h.text_field :title %>
<%= h.label :content %><br \> <%= h.text_area :content %> <% end %>
<% elsif section.sectionable_type == "Question" %>
<% g.fields_for :sectionable do |h| %> <%= h.label :title %><br \> <%= h.text_field :title %>
<%= h.label :prompt %><br \> <%= h.text_area :prompt %>
<%= h.label :answer %><br \> <%= h.text_area :answer %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
As far as I can tell, this is how the nested models are supposed to look, but this isn't working. When I load up the edit tutorial page (I've already populated the database with with Lorem Ipsum-type stuff) it appears correctly - each example and question has their own edit box with the current information already filled in. But when I try to submit the form, I get:
unknown attribute: section
Previously, while tweaking, I've also gotten unknown attribute: example and unknown attribute: question. Looking at the source of the edit tutorial page, one of the spots where a question can be defined looks like:
<label for="tutorial_section_anchor">Anchor</label><br \> <input id="tutorial_section_anchor" name="tutorial[section][anchor]" size="30" type="text" value="example-sunt" />
<input id="tutorial_section_sectionable_attributes_id" name="tutorial[section][sectionable_attributes][id]" type="hidden" value="2" />
<label for="tutorial_section_sectionable_attributes_title">Title</label><br \> <input id="tutorial_section_sectionable_attributes_title" name="tutorial[section][sectionable_attributes][title]" size="30" type="text" value="Example: Rem Soluta Quidem" />
<label for="tutorial_section_sectionable_attributes_prompt">Prompt</label><br \> <textarea id="tutorial_section_sectionable_attributes_prompt" name="tutorial[section][sectionable_attributes][prompt]">Autem et labore voluptas...</textarea>
<label for="tutorial_section_sectionable_attributes_answer">Answer</label><br \> <textarea id="tutorial_section_sectionable_attributes_answer" name="tutorial[section][sectionable_attributes][answer]">Qui consectetur beatae...</textarea>
In other words, it doesn't look like there's anything in the html to differentiate the contents of one question from another - when the form is processed, the information from each question overwrites that from the previous question, and the final params hash is just a jumble of incomplete information.
I'm not sure how to fix this, or if nested model forms can even be used with polymorphic associations in this manner. Any ideas?
Thanks! Chris