Don't use a block with form_remote_tag in this case. You want something like this:
form_remote_tag(:url => ...blah...) + submit_tag('Add to cart') + end_form_tag
Don't use a block with form_remote_tag in this case. You want something like this:
form_remote_tag(:url => ...blah...) + submit_tag('Add to cart') + end_form_tag
bhbrinckerhoff wrote:
Any ideas on how to do this now that end_form_tag is deprecated?
On Oct 6 2007, 6:18 am, Stefano Grioni <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-
I have a scenario wherein i have opened a javascript popup window, now i want the user to do some actions in that window, and now the form from the window is submited, on submit i call a method that does the server side handling and then on success i call the window.close and now on complete i am trying to invoke another ajax call to update a dom element in the main window. My code looks like this <%= form_remote_tag :method=>'post', :url=>{:action =>'add_from_pop_up', :count => count}, :success => "window.close();", :complete => "javascript:test(count)"%>
and the javascript fcn is function test(count) { qs = "count="+ count new Ajax.Request('/reporting/update_div', {parameters:qs, asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return false; }
Any suggestions on how to invoke this javascript method to update a DOM element.