form_remote_tag and :with

I am trying to pass the result from a javascript function along with the result from a text_field with form_remote_tag. This is what I have so far, but no go:

    <% form_remote_tag(:url => {:controller => 'requests', :action => 'create'}, :with => "'data='+request()", :update => 'request_sent' ) do %>         <%= text_field "request", "request" %><br/>         <%= submit_tag 'Send Request' %>     <% end %>

I was able to get this to work with link_to_remote with the following code:

<br/><%= link_to_remote 'Update availability', :url => {:action => "array"}, :with => "'data='+test()", :update => 'testing' %>

where test() is the javascript function. This allows me to access the result of the test function in params[:data]. It seems that I should be able to do the same with form_remote_tag, but I have been unsuccessful. Maybe a syntax mistake? Maybe not possible?

I am trying to pass the result from a javascript function along with the result from a text_field with form_remote_tag. This is what I have so far, but no go:

&lt;% form\_remote\_tag\(:url =&gt; \{:controller =&gt; &#39;requests&#39;, :action =&gt;

'create'}, :with => "'data='+request()", :update => 'request_sent' ) do %> <%= text_field "request", "request" %><br/> <%= submit_tag 'Send Request' %> <% end %>

Short answer: learn more javascript Long Answer: The behaviour of with is basically identical for link_to_remote and form_remote_tag. There is no function called request, so this can't work as is. Functions are not automatically added for input element. $F('foo') returns the value of the element with id foo and should do the trick (just check in the generated html what the id of the text field is). I also wrote some stuff about :with at :with or :without you: link_to_remote's mysterious parameter - Space Vatican Having said all that you don't need any of that here - the form will submit the value of the text field anyway, no :with needed.



result() is the name of a javascript function that I have defined within a script in the head element. calling it in :with sets this result to data, which can then be accessed with params[:data] in the action create.

result() is the name of a javascript function that I have defined within a script in the head element. calling it in :with sets this result to data, which can then be accessed with params[:data] in the action create.

Well your initial post is using a function called request :slight_smile: Make sure your function returns appropriately format data, other than that you're going to have to be more explicit about how it doesn't work.


So this returns the correct value in params[:data]:     <%= link_to_remote 'Send Request', :url => {:controller => "requests", :action => "create",       :date => @date, :weekday => @weekday, :id => @id}, :with => "'data='+newFunction()",       :update => 'request_sent' %>

but this returns nil:         <% form_remote_tag(:url => {:controller => 'requests', :action =>'create'},           :with => "'data='+newFunction()", :update => 'request_sent') do %>         <%= text_field "request", "request" %><br/>         <%= submit_tag 'Send Request' %>

am I using :with within the form_remote_tag helper correctly? Are you able to use it with form_remote_tag? Thanks.

Oh i forgot to include the <% end %> code. I have that and it still does not work.

can anyone help with this syntax? I figure anything that works for link_to_remote has got to work for form_remote_tag. Does anyone know if its possible to use the :with to pass parameters using form_remote_tag? This is what I have so far, but the params[:time] passed in :with is still nil and it works with link_to_remote.

    <%= form_remote_tag :url => {:controller => 'requests', :action =>'create', :month => @month,         :day_number => @day_number, :day_name => @day_name, :id => @id},         :with => "'time='+timeReturn()", :update => 'request_sent' %>         <%= text_field "request", "request" %><br/>         <%= submit_tag('Send Request') %>     <% end -%>

All the other params, i.e. month and day_number are passed, so i know the general syntax is working, its just the :with that is giving me a problem.

turns out you need to use submit_to_remote:

<% form_tag :url => {:controller => 'foo', :action =>'bar', :month => @month,     :day_number => @day_number, :day_name => @day_name, :id => @id} do %>       <%= text_field "request", "request" %><br/>       <%= submit_to_remote('submit', 'Send Request', :url => {:controller => 'foo', :action =>'bar', :month => @month,           :day_number => @day_number, :day_name => @day_name, :id => @id},           :with => "'time='+timeReturn()", :update => 'request_sent', :confirm => "sure?") %> <% end %>