Hi, I have 2 database for my application "development1" and "development2". My default database is "development1". But I have to update the "contacts" table which is in "davelopment2". So I know that I have to use the "establish_connection" to establish a connection with the "development2".
I am doing like this " ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "mysql" , :host => "localhost" , :database => "railsdatabase" , :username => "railsusername" , :password => "railspassword" )" contact=Contact.find(2) contact.name="Tushar Gandhi" contact.save" Whether it will point to the "contacts" table of "development2" database. Whether this will work? beacuse I haven't made any connection reference for "contacts" code. Can anyone please help me out for this. Thanks, Tushar