Use "establish_connection"

Hi, I have 2 database for my application "development1" and "development2". My default database is "development1". But I have to update the "contacts" table which is in "davelopment2". So I know that I have to use the "establish_connection" to establish a connection with the "development2".

I am doing like this " ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "mysql" , :host => "localhost" , :database => "railsdatabase" , :username => "railsusername" , :password => "railspassword" )" contact=Contact.find(2)"Tushar Gandhi"" Whether it will point to the "contacts" table of "development2" database. Whether this will work? beacuse I haven't made any connection reference for "contacts" code. Can anyone please help me out for this. Thanks, Tushar

If you are always going to CRUD contacts in development2, then you can set the connection on the model:

in contact.rb class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base   establish_connection(:development2) end

in database.yml:

development2:   adapter: mysql   host: localhost   database: railsdatabase   username: railsusername   password: railspassword

Thanks Sharagoz. Yes it makes sense, to add the configuraion on model level. Sharagoz -- wrote:

How do we open a read-only connection to the second database development2 ?