Use ActionView stuff inside controller action


I am too lazy to write an RHTML file. I just want to write an action, and stuff a string. The string needs ActionView things inside it, like this:

  def lazy      render :text => stylesheet_link_tag('application') + ...   end

How do I get lines like that working?

render :text => response.template.link_to('STFW', '')

You could also use method_missing to automatically delegate to 'response.template':

  def blah     render :text => link_to('STFW', '')   end   def method_missing(*args, &block)     response.template.send(*args, &block)   end

Lazy enough for you? :wink:

Dear Phlip,

I am too lazy to respond.


[Heh. I couldn’t resist. The devil made me do it.]

Russell Norris wrote:

I am too lazy to respond.

That contradicts itself; you did respond.

The answers so far be...

- render :inline => '...' - render :file => '...' - response.template.blah(), as George Ogata reports.