Hello! I'm relatively new to Rails and in over my head...
I'd like to integrate the XML UPS Shipping tools into an online cart
so that a user can select a shipping method based on availability and
price. I understand what UPS wants and what I should get back from
them...but I'm failing at the most basic level. How can I do the
1) send UPS an XML Post request,
2) parse the XML that they send back, and
3) use their response in my next view template?
It seems like this should be so basic, but I've searched with no
luck. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the link. I had looked at the shipping gem, but it appears
that it hasn't been maintained since 2005. I'm also not quite savvy
enough to implement a gem like this by looking only at the source.
Hopefully the solution I came up with will continue to work. I
haven't looked at the FedEx tools yet, but UPS (technically speaking)
won't allow a programmer to use their API and display a competitor's
rates side by side.