Hello I’m quite new to the rails 4 and I’ve not dealt with this kind of nested security warnings, I basically have a model (receipt), with has many items relation. When I save a receipt, I want to have an options to save many items as well from the same form, I ll skip the ui part and get back to the back end, this is how my params look like, when I print params in the create action :
{**"**1432495749993**"**=>{**"**item**"**=>{**"**name**"**=>**"**ssd**"**, **"**amount**"**=>**"**22**"**, **"**unit_id**"**=>**"**2**"**, **"**quantity**"**=>**"**1**"**, **"**person_id**"**=>**"**2**"**, **"**project_id**"**=>**""**}},
**"**1432495820856**"**=>{**"**item**"**=>{**"**name**"**=>**"**ds**"**, **"**amount**"**=>**"**22**"**, **"**unit_id**"**=>**"**3**"**, **"**quantity**"**=>**"**1**"**, **"**person_id**"**=>**"**2**"**, **"**project_id**"**=>**""**}}}},
I’ve tried following and more but none of it didn’t work :
params.require(:receipt).permit(:store_id, :purchase_date, :items_attributes)
params.require(:receipt).permit(:store_id, :purchase_date, items_attributes: {‘1432495749993’ => {‘item’ => [:name]}})
params.require(:receipt).permit(:store_id, :purchase_date, items_attributes: {‘1432495749993’ => {‘item’ => [:name]}}).permit!
params.require(:receipt).permit(:store_id, :purchase_date, items_attributes: {‘1432495749993’ => {‘item’ => [:id, :name, :amount, :unit_id, :quantity, :person_id, :project_id]}})
And my nested params don’t show, this is the best result I got :
{“store_id”=>“2”, “purchase_date”=>“05/05/2015”, “items_attributes”=>{“1432495749993”=>{}=>{}}}
I’m getting to the point when I don’t know what to need to ask somebody for help, what am I doing wrong here?