undefined method `partial_updates='


When I try the command: rake db:migrate I get the following:

rello@calimero:~/Sites/music_library/config$ rake db:migrate (in /home/rello/Sites/music_library) rake aborted! undefined method `partial_updates=' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class

I googled with no results. Anybody can help me? Thankyou



It was an issue of Rails Vers.

I just removed and everything works again.


Silvio :

I have the same problem. What I do to solve this ?

Sorry for my poor english

Silvio :

I have the same problem. What I do to solve this ?

You need to remove the edge gem (the one that looks like rails

If you’re using Aptana, this is a problem that you may run into frequently as that ide adds gems.rubyonrails.org to your sources [without informing so]. http://forums.aptana.com/viewtopic.php?p=20485 has more information about this. Hope it helps.


I am having this same error message but I am only running rails 2.0.2

Can anyone help?


I am having this same error message but I am only running rails 2.0.2

Check again; the tooth fairy didn't stick that in your config. You had rails 2.0.2.xxx installed at the point that you ran rails my_app. Remove the app, remove the gem and start afresh.
