rake db:migrate gives error


   when I am running rake db:migrate command on my application it gives me "undefined method `last' for {}:Hash error", how to resolve this error?

Sunny Bogawat wrote:


   when I am running rake db:migrate command on my application it gives me "undefined method `last' for {}:Hash error", how to resolve this error?

This is fairly impossible to resolve with no example...

What does the migration you're trying to run look like?

Ar Chron wrote:

Sunny Bogawat wrote:


   when I am running rake db:migrate command on my application it gives me "undefined method `last' for {}:Hash error", how to resolve this error?

This is fairly impossible to resolve with no example...

What does the migration you're trying to run look like?

the error contain following code undefined method `last' for {}:Hash E:/Aptana_Projects/whitegold0.1/rakefile:10 Currently I am using rails version 1.2.3,this cause due to rake file ?

Maybe you have a bad install of rake? I'd try reinstalling the gem (I don't use Aptana, so I can't help with any specifics in that area).

And the earlier query was for what your migration code looked like... is there something in your self.up code that could be causing the issue?