I'm trying to send emails in my application. the email function in under the ActionMailer::Base as follows:
------------------------------------------------------------------------- def xxxxx(aaa, recipient, bbb, burl) @from = aaa.email @recipients = [ recipient ] @subject = "#{aaa.firstname} #{aaa.lastname} has emailed U!" @content_type = "text/plain"
@body["aaa"] = aaa @body["bbb"]= bbb @body["uri"] = "#{burl}subscribe/welcome/#{bbb.id}"; end
It's email template is:
<%= @aaa.firstname %> <%= @aaa.lastname %> has wants to discuss: '<%= @bbb.name %>'.
Click here: <%= @uri %> .
Best regards, The MySite Team -------------------------------------------------------------------------
When i execute these i get this error "undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass". Kindly help me out to overcome this issue!
It would help to know what line/file that error is happening on.
I'm gonna guess since I don't see a '+' anywhere in the above code that the model for @bbb has a 'name' method which looks something like:
def name self.firstname + self.lastname end
And I'm guessing that @bbb is nil.
But without knowing where the actual error occured it's hard to say...