undefined method `auto_complete_for'

Migrated from rails 1.2.2 to rails 2.0

Now i get the following error, which was working earlier.

undefined method `auto_complete_for'

Aftter reading several posts...i tried to run script\plugin install auto_complte

it says

C:\ex\myapp>ruby script\plugin install auto_complete Plugin not found: ["auto_complete"]

so tried

C:\ex\myapp>ruby script\plugin install http://svn.rubyonrails.org/rails/plugins/a uto_complete + ./auto_complete/README + ./auto_complete/Rakefile + ./auto_complete/init.rb + ./auto_complete/lib/auto_complete.rb + ./auto_complete/lib/auto_complete_macros_helper.rb + ./auto_complete/test/auto_complete_test.rb

it installed some auto_complete stuff in vendor/plugins folder.

But still see the auto_complete_for undefined error.

Can you please let me know if I have missed out any step?

Thanks Prasanna

Did you restart the server?

Xavier Noria wrote:

But still see the auto_complete_for undefined error.

Can you please let me know if I have missed out any step?

Did you restart the server?

I will tell the actual problem.

I had developed an app using rais 1.2.2. Everything was working perfectly fine.

But when im trying to host it on a server which has rails 2.0 im facing all the problems...so im trying to run the plugin command on my local setup which has 1.2.2 and trying to copy the plugin files to the online server.

There is only ftp acesss....so i cant restart the server.

Xavier Noria wrote:

But still see the auto_complete_for undefined error.

Can you please let me know if I have missed out any step?

Did you restart the server?

I will tell the actual problem.

I had developed an app using rais 1.2.2. Everything was working perfectly fine.

But when im trying to host it on a server which has rails 2.0 im facing all the problems...so im trying to run the plugin command on my local setup which has 1.2.2 and trying to copy the plugin files to the online server.

There is only ftp acesss....so i cant restart the server.

well you can't install a plugin without restarting the server (and by
server i mean the process(es) running your rails code) so you'll have
to get the server people to do that for you.


Frederick Cheung wrote: