Unable to run rake db:create:all

I am able to create databases (development, test, and production databases) as follows ................................................................. ajit@ajit:~$ su - postgres Password: postgres@ajit:~$ psql postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_development; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_test; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_production; CREATE DATABASE postgres=#


But when I try to create same databases using the command 'rake db:create:all', I am getting an error massage saying 'FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"'. And none of the databases are created.

  And also after creating databases as shown above, I created migration files and I am able to do rake db:migrate for the same database.yml file.

Can you please help me why 'rake db:create:all' is not working?

Thank you   Ajit

Possibly you have the correct user/password for the development db but not for one of the others. Try using create to create them one at a time and see if one fails. Also check the yml file very carefully for small errors. Possibly copy/paste the user/password lines from the development section to the others.


I am able to create databases (development, test, and production databases) as follows ................................................................. ajit@ajit:~$ su - postgres Password: postgres@ajit:~$ psql postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_development; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_test; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# create DATABASE book_shelf_production; CREATE DATABASE postgres=#


But when I try to create same databases using the command 'rake db:create:all', I am getting an error massage saying 'FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"'. And none of the databases are created.

And also after creating databases as shown above, I created migration files and I am able to do rake db:migrate for the same database.yml file.

Can you please help me why 'rake db:create:all' is not working?

Maybe the practical solution for the OP then is to do

$ createuser ajit Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y

and that will at least reduce the need to use the ‘postgres’ user.

In that case the database.yml could look like

development: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode pool: 5 min_messages: log

As described by Craig.

Do NOT mention localhost (then you will go over local socket, using the

user authentication of user ‘ajit’ to get in locally).

