Unable to override methods built with alias_method_chain

I am using this plugin and trying to extend it:

The plugin heavily modifies some the Rails routing (Rails 2.3.x in this case, but that's not important)

It usually follows this pattern:

module SubdomainRoutes   module UrlWriter     def self.included(base)       base.alias_method_chain :rewrite, :subdomains     end

    def native_plugin_method         ...a bunch of code     end

    def rewrite_with_subdomains        ...code     end   end end

ActionController::UrlWriter.send :include, SubdomainRoutes::UrlWriter

In my own classes I am attempting to override some of these methods. So i do this:

module CustomRouting

    def native_plugin_method          #successfully invoked         ...a bunch of code         super #will call method from SubdomainRoutes::UrlWriter     end

    def rewrite_with_subdomains        #method is never invoked        ...code        super     end end

ActionController::UrlWriter.send :include, CustomRouting

The method created with alias_method_chain is never affected! My code successfully overrides 'native_plugin_method', but it seems to do nothing with rewrite_with_subdomains, even though everything is identical.

Is there something about aliased methods that does not resolve in the same way as standard methods?

aliasing pretty much creates a copy of a method - later attempts to redefine the original method don’t affect the copy. For example

class Example

def foo

puts “foo”


alias_method :bar, :foo

def foo

puts “new foo”



Example.new.foo() #=> “new foo”

Example.new.bar() #=> “foo”

You’ll have to do your own alias method chaining when you include your module (in newer versions of rails alias_method_chain has falled out of favour)


Frederick Cheung wrote in post #1121711:

aliasing pretty much creates a copy of a method - later attempts to redefine the original method don't affect the copy. For example

class Example   def foo     puts "foo"   end

  alias_method :bar, :foo

  def foo     puts "new foo"   end end

Example.new.foo() #=> "new foo" Example.new.bar() #=> "foo"

You'll have to do your own alias method chaining when you include your module (in newer versions of rails alias_method_chain has falled out of favour)


That's exactly what it was! I had to re-alias the method names.

So the original plugin used alias_method_chain to alias :rewrite, :rewrite_with_subdomain

I had to restructure my module like this:

module CustomRouting     def included(base)       base.send :alias_method, :rewrite, :rewrite_with_subdomains     end

    def native_plugin_method          #successfully invoked         ...a bunch of code         super #will call method from SubdomainRoutes::UrlWriter     end

    def rewrite_with_subdomains        #method is never invoked        ...code        super     end end

And now my overloaded method is correctly invoked, and the 'super' call works properly and invokes the previous alias.

This was really complicated. phew