William K. Hatch Jr. wrote:
Hello all,
I've got an action that's somewhat heavy (slow) that returns ...js.erb.
You should probably fix that. Dynamically generated JS is usually a
design problem IMHO.
What??? It's the response for an ajax request; I don't understand what you're saying here. How else would I take data driven content and insert it into the dom?
The action completes fine, and I can see the results in firebug in the
console, but the javascript isn't being executed, on the production
(more like production test) box. It works fine locally in development
env, and if I copy and paste the returned stuff from the firebug console
response it will execute just fine. Here's the js erb:
And here are my suggestions for doing it with static JS, which might
perhaps solve your problem.
If you don't know the element ID in advance, just assign it a known
class name when the HTML is generated. Then you can do
Again, this isn't when the html is initially generated. I think I wasn't clear: this is an ajax request; not an html request.
$("#FirstTheme").append("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'tag',
:locals=>{:entity_id=>@entity_id, :theme_id=>@theme_id,
:entity=>@entity, :element_id=>@element_id, :parent_id=>@parent_id,
:tag=>@tag})) %>");
That's awful! The right way to do this is to have something like the
following in your .html.erb file (or rather, equivalent Haml), where
your CSS defines .hidden {display: none}:
<div class="hidden" id="firstThemeContent">
<%= render :partial => 'tag', :all => 'the', :other => 'stuff' %>
then in the static JS
Again, this content wouldn't exist at the time of the page load, so it's not possible for it to be there in the first place.
Again, no js.erb necessary.
Use the same technique as above.
This should clean up your JavaScript considerably and may help you
isolate the problem, if it does not get rid of it entirely.
Also, most people use lowercase (either dashed-lower-case or
lowerCamelCase) for their DOM IDs.
well, the shop i'm doing it for uses camel case caps for the id's, and lowercase dashed on class names.
Sorry, but I think you're completely missing the point, probably because I didn't explain it well.
All of this works, has worked fine, in development. The issue is it's not getting rendered by the browser even though it is being returned to the browser, in production, on the server. So, request comes in, gets processed, javascript gets returned to the browser, and if in development, the appropriate elements update and content is inserted. If in production, request comes in, gets processed, javascript gets returned to the browser, and nothing happens.