trouble with slow rubygems

Hi there, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to install any gems in ubuntu. Every time I try I get: Bulk updating Gem source index for: and then that hangs forever. More often than not I get a server timeout on my SSH session before anything changes - that timeout is currently set to 2 hours.

I don't understand why gem needs to Bulk update *every* time I try to install anything with it.

I also tried: gem install rails --source and got: Bulk updating Gem source index for: Bulk updating Gem source index for: and then hanging.

I've never had this problem before with gem and I can't work out what might be wrong. Does anyone know what could be causing it to take so long?

thanks dorian

This may work for you too

I've seen hangs due to memory issues. The bulk update is very hungry. Once the bulk update runs to completion once, things get much faster.