trouble using send_data to stream image to browser


I'm doing some server-side graphics with Java2D and I'm trying to stream the resulting image to the browser using send_data. When I try to view the image that I streamed, the browser just shows the URL in the window as a very small image (about .4 kb) when I am using jpeg format. For png, it tells me that the image has errors and can't load it.

Here's what I'm doing in the controller:

def sendImage         biFiltered =, 100, BI::TYPE_INT_RGB)         big = biFiltered.createGraphics()         $w = 0         $h = 0         begin         filename = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/images/kids.jpg"         imagefile =         bi = w = bi.getWidth(nil);                 h = bi.getHeight(nil);         $stderr.print "after getting size"                 if bi.getType != BI.TYPE_INT_RGB                         bi2 =, h, BI::TYPE_INT_RGB) $stderr.print "before get graphics"                         big = bi2.createGraphics()                         $stderr.print "after getting graphics"                         big.drawImage(biFiltered, 0, 0, nil)                         bi = b2                         biFiltered = bi                 end         rescue                 $stderr.print "Couldn't load file"         end # big.drawImage(biFiltered, 0, 0, w, h, w/0.7, w/0.7, nil)         big.drawImage(biFiltered, java.awt.geom.AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(2, 2), nil)         os =         begin                 isWritten = javax.imageio.ImageIO.write(biFiltered, "jpeg", os)         rescue                 $stderr.print "Couldn't write file"         end

        if isWritten #send_data , :type => "image/jpeg", :disposition => "inline", :filename => newkids.jpg

           send_data "os.toByteArray", :type => "image/ jpeg", :disposition => "inline", :filename => "scaledkids.jpg"