I get the error message application error rails failed to start
So not being a total idiot(I may regret saying that) i checked the
logs and there was a problem in the server log only. It stated
premature end to headers for dispatch.cgi
I then tried to run the dispatch.cgi from a terminal expecting to see
error 500 but instead i get this:
matt@as public]# ./dispatch.cgi
Status: 400 Bad Request
dependencies.rb:405:in `to_constant_name': Anonymous modules have no
name to be referenced by (ArgumentError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.0/lib/
active_support/dependencies.rb:215:in `qualified_name_for'
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.0/lib/
active_support/dependencies.rb:477:in `const_missing'
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.2.1/lib/dispatcher.rb:117:in
from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.2.1/lib/dispatcher.rb:51:in
from ./dispatch.cgi:10
Which means nothing to me and google isn't bringing anything up
I have tried to reinstall rails and also updated gems and again no
Please im going insane. if there is anymore information that is
required please dont hesitate to ask I will provide it. I just cant
see the problem and my efforts with google have been exhausted.
Try the rails-deploy list with this question. It looks more like an infrastructure question. Can you start any Rails app? If you haven't tried it, just create a small table, then scaffold a model / controller on it and work up from there.
If that doesn't work, and it serves from webrick, then you've got an apache config problem - which might include file permissions, etc.
If it does, then you're likely dealing with an old (pre 1.2) project? did you run "rake rails:update" - does your environment.rb set a specific rails version to run?
narrowing down your scope of concerns, will help you post info that can help us help you. The deploy list has a bunch of crazy-deploy-fu people (who are likely here as well), but the signal-to-noise ratio is higher there.