toplevel constant Parent referenced by Parent::Parent

I'm upgrading from 1.1.6 to 1.2.6 and I'm getting a strange warning.

<code> activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1361: warning: toplevel constant Parent referenced by Parent::Parent </code>

Where Parent is the top-level class in an STI hierarchy.

I also have: class Child1 < Parent class Child2 < Child1

In Parent I have several class convenience methods:

<code>   class <<self

    def new_parent(class_name, args={})       send("new_#{class_name}", args)     end

    def new_child1(args={}) => args))     end

    def new_child2(args={}) => args))     end end </code>

Should I be worried about the warning? I'm not sure that I understand it and I don't see it with my other STI classes. The above methods aren't expressly required, they just make working the class hierarchy easier.

Thanks in advance.
