constant redefinition warning

I get a redefinition warning :

log warning => /Users/myself/Developpement/MyApp/vendor/plugins/globalize2/lib/myapp/ validations.rb:18: warning: already initialized constant RoleTranslation

I am using the following code, apps is running well w warning module Validations     def validate_translation_uniqueness_of(*attr_names) translation_class = Object.const_set "#{}Translation",{} ...

I tried now to avoid it writing : translation_class = Object.const_set "#{}Translation",{} unless defined?("#{} Translation") but it fails ... (obviously don't like a string..)

I also tried: translation_class = Object.const_set "#{}Translation",{} unless defined?("#{} Translation".to_sym)

"#{}Translation".to_sym => :AccountingPeriodTranslation which is also bad..

I need to have : #{}Translation giving a class , how should I write it ?

defined?(AccountingPeriodTranslation) =>"constant" is what I should test (or any other xxxxTranslation class where xxxx is self.class

thanks for your help


I changed the creation + test to a simple get constant as it's already declared (being an ActiveRecord class created by Globalize plugin)

a simple :

globalize_class = Object.const_get "#{}Translation"

gives me the class...