to_json performing inconsistently

Hi there,

I have two projects, both looking like they use the same version of ruby, same version of rails, on the same machine. When I run console within each project, the to_json call returns a different result.

'<a href="#" onclick="$(this).up(&quot;.positioned_promotion_list_item&quot;).remove(); return false;">'.to_json

=> "\"\\u003Ca href=\\\"#\\\" onclick=\\\"$(this).up(\ \u0026quot;.positioned_promotion_list_item\\u0026quot;).remove(); return false;\\\"\\u003E\""


'<a href="#" onclick="$(this).up(&quot;.positioned_promotion_list_item&quot;).remove(); return false;">'.to_json

=> "\"<a href=\\\"#\\\" onclick=\\\"$ (this).up(&quot;.positioned_promotion_list_item&quot;).remove(); return false;\\\">\""

Does anyone know what may be causing this?

