timid nuby; I need help getting Rails installed on my computer

Can anyone do a private sidebar to help me get past some installation issues?

I’m at the point where I type >rails server

it says can’t find json-1.8.2 run bundle install

so I type >bundle install

it says it failed because json requires installed build tools.

Google says to install the DevKit again… done… but its the same as above.

So far I’m not finding the solution on Google.

Can anyone help?


We need to know the type of system you are trying to install in. Windows and Mac and Linux are all quite different.


Can anyone do a private sidebar to help me get past some installation issues?

I’m at the point where I type >rails server

it says can’t find json-1.8.2 run bundle install

so I type >bundle install

it says it failed because json requires installed build tools.

Google says to install the DevKit again… done… but its the same as above.

Getting things right on windows can be quite finicky - knowing how you installed ruby, exactly what commands you are running, where and the exact output is useful. The devil is usually in the details; without them it’s just wild guesses.


Try with these command. I sure you find your answer.

Installation on window:

  1. download form rubyinstaller.org/downloads

the latest version of ruby

  1. install the product

  2. Devkit install

in c:/DevKit folder

  1. ruby dk.rb init

  2. type config.yml

  3. ruby dk.rb install

  4. gem install json --platform=ruby

  5. ruby -rubygems -e “require json: puts JSON.load<‘[42]’>.inspect”

  6. gem update --system

for checking version check gem -v

  1. gem install rails

  2. rails new application_name

If giving error of SSL then save the following code in a file named cacert.pem and save in c:/railsinstaller/ folder.

  1. then run the following command

set SSL_CERT_FILE=C:\RailsInstaller\cacert.pem

and then try

bundle install command again
