Hi all,
I am trying to change a date from a time zone to UTC.
First I set the time zone and then get its offset from UTC.
Then I am trying to change the time zone of my date by substracting the offset but it failed.
Hi all,
I am trying to change a date from a time zone to UTC.
First I set the time zone and then get its offset from UTC.
Then I am trying to change the time zone of my date by substracting the offset but it failed.
Hi all,
I am trying to change a date from a time zone to UTC.
First I set the time zone and then get its offset from UTC.
Then I am trying to change the time zone of my date by substracting the offset but it failed.
--------------- Time.zone = @time_zone # 'Paris' @offset = Time.zone.utc_offset() # @offset = 3600
# @date = now @date = @date - @offset
# @date should be now - 1 but its somewhere in 1998 ... ---------------
Reading the pick axe Time documentation, when you substract something from a date, it should be in seconds, which is the case. But with my code, it failed.
Are you sure your date is an instance of Time and not an instance of Date? (for Date - 1 means -1 day so -3600 would be about 10 years ie somewhere in 1998).
You can also use rails' date/time calculation things, for example
t += 5.seconds
does the right thing whether t is a Time or a DateTime