Time taken by page to load


Is there any way to find out that how much time a page had taken to load itself ? Googled for it but no luck.. :cry:

You can check your rails logs. There you will find out how long time your request took in db, rendering views and the total time.


You can find that information in the production log and you can parse it using rawk (http://ckhsponge.wordpress.com/2006/10/11/ruby-on-rails-log-analyzer-rawk/). There’s no reason whatsoever to show the end user how long it takes for a page to render.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

You can use a Rack Middleware. This screencast show you how to do it: http://railscasts.com/episodes/151-rack-middleware

Best regards

Thanks for your quickies..:slight_smile:

Actually i want to write all of the information of a user into the log files. I mean what he do, where he do, time taken by page to load etc etc.. So can you guys tell me the way to do it..I do not have idea about it..

Agustin Viñao wrote:

Hemant Bhargava wrote:

Thanks for your quickies..:slight_smile:

Actually i want to write all of the information of a user into the log files. I mean what he do, where he do, time taken by page to load etc etc..

Rails already does this. There's nothing further you need to do.

So can you guys tell me the way to do it..I do not have idea about it..


But how can i do it? Where does rails do it? I want to write a summary like user with session id is accessing page ABC, have taken abc time.. etc etc. in a sinle line of log files ..

Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:

But how can i do it? Where does rails do it? I want to write a summary like user with session id is accessing page ABC, have taken abc time.. etc etc. in a sinle line of log files ..

By default log files go into your app's log folder


Thanks guyz.. Resolved it .. Actually rails already provide this thing.. I mean using "debug params", you can find out that what parameters coming.. And the based upon those parameters you can find out whatever you want.. Say like you want the action name then type just params[:action] and you'll get action name of the page.. Same with any others..

Cheers ..

Frederick Cheung wrote: