I have been trying to develop an authentication program. I have been
able to redirect a user to any page but have not been able to
pesonalise it so that users can only access their personal accounts.
thank you
def process_login
if user = User.authenticate(params[:user])
session[:id] = user.id && params[:username] != 'admin'#
Remember the user's id during this session
#if User.username == 'admin'
redirect_to session[:return_to] || '/customer/new'
if user = User.authenticate(params[:user]) &&
params[:username] == 'admin'
session[:id] = user.id
redirect_to session[:return_to] || '/'
flash[:error] = 'Invalid login.'
redirect_to :action => 'login', :username => params[:user][:username]
On 9/18/08, Gilbert Gift Siima <giftsiima@gmail.com> wrote:>> Hello
all.>> I have been trying to develop an authentication program. I have
able to redirect a user to any page but have not been able to>
pesonalise it so that users can only access their personal accounts.>
thank you>>I am using ruby 1.8 and here is my controller>> class
UserController < ApplicationController>> def login>> @user =
User.new> @user.username = params[:username]>> end>> def
process_login> if user = User.authenticate(params[:user])>
session[:id] = user.id && params[:username] != 'admin'#> Remember the
user's id during this session>> #if User.username == 'admin'>
redirect_to session[:return_to] || '/customer/new'>