

I have an interesting requirement. Don’t know how to do it. I have an Admin, which can see a list of users. All the users will have a button (Login). The Admin can click on the Login button to to access the user’s account. If Admin does this he will be logged out of his account. But how to access back his own account if he tries to come out of that user’s account?


What method are you using for authentication? I did something similar in Devise, where I allowed the admin to impersonate another user. I hooked into the current_user method and allowed an admin user to assume the identity of another user without logging out. Since admins were allowed to see everything anyway (in CanCan) I didn't need to do anything special besides store the ID of the account I was impersonating in the session.


Currently I am using CanCan. Can you please explain a bit more on your solution?

I’m not sure if this can help:

but I saw that once when I was looking in devise wiki and I recall now.


Currently I am using CanCan. Can you please explain a bit more on your solution?

#users_controller.rb   before_filter :authenticate_impersonator!, :only => [:index, :impersonate, :stop_impersonating]

  def impersonate     session[:impersonating] = params[:practice_id]     redirect_to( '/calendar' )   end      def stop_impersonating     session[:impersonating] = nil     redirect_to( '/users/index' )   end

  def authenticate_impersonator!     redirect_to(:root) unless (can? :impersonate, User)   end

#application_controller.rb   helper_method :current_practice   def current_practice     if session[:impersonating]       Practice.find session[:impersonating]     else       current_user.practice     end   end


<%- if session[:impersonating] -%> <div id="impersonating">   <p>Currently impersonating <strong><%= %></strong> <%= link_to "Stop Impersonating", "/users/stop_impersonating", :class => "form_button delete" %></p> </div> <%- end -%>

Everything in this solution centers around the current_practice helper, which is where I used the session to side-step the current user and pretend to be another.



I am lil bit confused. Will this help on returning back to the admin user again?

Is gem “switch_user” really useful ? Because it needs devise I guess ?


I am lil bit confused. Will this help on returning back to the admin user again?

The admin user never leaves or logs out, but because current_practice is used for anything that the admin sees, the page gets re-loaded with all the content relevant to that practice, not the admin's own account. It helps in this case that admin is able to see everything. You could not do this trick if that was not the case.


I tried with passing Id & cookies[token] of that user & was able to login to that users profile. But I am unable to get back to the profile of the Admin user.