The usage of datetime_select

Dear all

I am a rails beginner, I would like to know how can I manipulate the params in controller, when the datetime_select is used in form. Please give me some advices. Thank you very much.

view/test/index.html.erb <% form_tag :action => "search" do %>   <%= datetime_select("from", "range", :start_year => 2007) %>   <%= submit_tag "search" %> <% end %>

controllers/test.rb def search   selected_date = How to do it here??   @records = Record.find(:all, :conditions => "created_at > #{selected_date}")   render :action => 'index' end

Many thanks Valentino

Dear all

I am a rails beginner, I would like to know how can I manipulate the params in controller, when the datetime_select is used in form. Please give me some advices. Thank you very much.


Dates, params and you - Space Vatican


Thank for information, it work for me. But it seems that the date time control is not fancy in rails.