Texting confusion...

Hi, I'm trying to learn how to test my apps as I build them. I've been following the tutorials at nullislove.com but I they don't seem to be acting as described.

I've tried to run the default generated unit tests and it comes up with the following error.

test_truth(UserTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: table items has no column

I don't understand why it is coming up with anything about the items table, as the test only contains the following code.

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'

class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase   # Replace this with your real tests.   def test_truth     assert true   end end

Can anyone tell me what's going wrong? Thx

Hi, I'm trying to learn how to test my apps as I build them. I've
been following the tutorials at nullislove.com but I they don't seem to be acting as described.

I've tried to run the default generated unit tests and it comes up
with the following error.

test_truth(UserTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: table items has no column

I don't understand why it is coming up with anything about the items table, as the test only contains the following code.

rails will still try to load your fixtures for you. Did you run the
items migration before you had added any columns to it? If you you
probably want to migrate down to 0 (rake migrate VERSION=0) and then
back up again (or since you're on sqlite just delete the development
database and recreate it and then migrate up).
