I have been working through Hartl's tutorials and am in chapter 11... almost done with it but have found a couple problems and am at a loss for solving them. First, prior to trying to add the ability to edit admin status all my tests were passing and if i take that one test out they pass again... 1. I noticed today that when i do a user delete, it redirects to the deleted users profile page like it's supposed to but the user is never deleted from the database. no errors are displayed.. 2. When i try to delete a micropost i get a message saying "No route matches [GET] "/microposts/302"" I found a reference on stackoverflow for someone who had the same problem and solved it but I didn't get any relief from it on my side. 3. I wanted to add the ability to set and unset the admin field in the database for a user so i added a checkbox to the user edit page. The checkbox shows up and has the correct value (which i thought was a pretty good achievement :)) and i wanted to write a test to ensure that my update works but i don't know how to set the checkbox programatically in the test. I'm putting it in the users_spec.rb and realize that i'm not doing it as elegantly as i should but I'm not so worried about that as i am the mechanics of what is happening as i'm trying to learn here. I've pushed my code up to github and tagged the commit with "admin-problem" in case anyone wants to check it out.... it's at: g...@github.com:aamax/sample_app.git I'd love some help with this... am feeling like i've been picking up ruby and rails pretty well, long way to go, but i've hit these couple walls and spent a ton of time on it. thanks in advance.
On number 2 below, I took a look at your code and it seems that it is
trying to redirect to the deleted micropost with the
'redirect_back_or...' call in the controller. Not totally sure why it
is giving you grief, but of course you could use some conditional
logic to see if the delete succeeds and redirect to root if it does,
otherwise send them back (the old-fashioned way). It would be more
explicit, too. Best of luck and whatever you do, don't give up!
Cheers, Mark