Client-side work, removing Rails out of the equation

I was wondering how what you do when you have some serious client-side work to do on a Rails app.

Good practice tells us to start from testing, so let’s say we either:

  1. Have Implement a bare-bones html (non-ajax) version of the feature using an outside-in testing process already.

  2. We don’t (argh) have or follow a test-driven process.

Anyway, the point is, once you have the basic done, you then want to focus on the GUI. The client wants it to look and behave in a specific way, and you go and start putting your awesome client-side skills into action.

Form my experience, if the application is still small, it’s a no brainer to just go and modify the ERB/HAML/CSS/SASS as needed.

However, when the app gets stuffed with more objects, doing client-side work is just too painful (requests can take several seconds).

What I like to do when a lot of client-side work is expected is to create a separate folder with styles and the view(s) needed copied (erb removed, of course), use placeholder data where needed (I might also test-drive the javascript), and focus on the client-side only. You then remove Rails out of the equation, which makes the process smoother.

How do you do it?


  • Marcelo.

I have been working through Hartl's tutorials and am in chapter 11... almost done with it but have found a couple problems and am at a loss for solving them.

First, prior to trying to add the ability to edit admin status all my tests were passing and if i take that one test out they pass again...

1. I noticed today that when i do a user delete, it redirects to the deleted users profile page like it's supposed to but the user is never deleted from the database. no errors are displayed..

2. When i try to delete a micropost i get a message saying "No route matches [GET] "/microposts/302"" I found a reference on stackoverflow for someone who had the same problem and solved it but I didn't get any relief from it on my side.

3. I wanted to add the ability to set and unset the admin field in the database for a user so i added a checkbox to the user edit page. The checkbox shows up and has the correct value (which i thought was a pretty good achievement :)) and i wanted to write a test to ensure that my update works but i don't know how to set the checkbox programatically in the test. I'm putting it in the users_spec.rb and realize that i'm not doing it as elegantly as i should but I'm not so worried about that as i am the mechanics of what is happening as i'm trying to learn here. I've pushed my code up to github and tagged the commit with "admin-problem" in case anyone wants to check it out.... it's at:

I'd love some help with this... am feeling like i've been picking up ruby and rails pretty well, long way to go, but i've hit these couple walls and spent a ton of time on it. thanks in advance.

i apologize, didn't mean to write this as a reply. meant it as a new subject.. will repost... doh!