Test unit results display for every rake task

I have not noticed this before but its a little strage. Every time I run a rake task the results of a test suite are displayed. EG

~/Documents/City Uni Work/Final Project/code/server (master)$ rake db:drop (in /Users/stewartmatheson/Documents/City Uni Work/Final Project/code/ server) Loaded suite /Users/stewartmatheson/rails3install/bin/rake Started

Finished in 0.000193 seconds.

0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

Strange right... I decided to roll a testapp to make sure it was not something to do with my rails installation. Its not.

~/code/rails/testapp $ rake db:create (in /Users/stewartmatheson/code/rails/testapp) testapp_development already exists ~/code/rails/testapp $ rake db:migrate (in /Users/stewartmatheson/code/rails/testapp) ~/code/rails/testapp $ rake test:units (in /Users/stewartmatheson/code/rails/testapp) ~/code/rails/testapp $

Does anyone have any idea why each rake task is loading test::unit ? Not a biggie but just had me a bit puzzled.

You're loading the test environment. Somewhere you have RAILS_ENV=test or ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" or it's been exported to your shell environment for some reason.


Stewart wrote:

I have not noticed this before but its a little strage. Every time I run a rake task the results of a test suite are displayed. EG

Does anyone have any idea why each rake task is loading test::unit ? Not a biggie but just had me a bit puzzled.

When you start your console does it tell you "Loading test environment"? And if so, interesting that you've been able to develop / test at all without some major issues.

As Jason mentioned it seems like ENV set. Does echo RAILS_ENV yield anything?