Running tests against a non-test environment

I am certain that running:

rake test RAILS_ENV=<some_other_env_than_test>

should work, assuming that I have a correct DB setup in config/database.yml.

But this is not happening. It looks like rake test always is using the "test" DB no matter what.

If I type

rake test RAILS_ENV=crap


RAILS_ENV=crap; rake test

my tests will happily run and ignore the value of RAILS_ENV that I'm trying to provide.

What gives? Did something change about running tests? Perhaps it's always been this way and I never realized it.

Thanks, Wes

my tests will happily run and ignore the value of RAILS_ENV that I'm trying to provide.

What gives? Did something change about running tests? Perhaps it's always been this way and I never realized it.

check the top of your app's test_helper.rb.
