Test for field validation before saving

Hi. I'm new to rails, and I must say I'm loving it. I have a question that some of you may already found the answer.

Here's the problem I've made a simple user signup interface that sends a confirmation link to the email of the link. The problem is that I want to confirm if everything is ok before saving including the sending of the confirmation email.


So i have

@user.get_confirmation # To populate the confirmation fields. if @user.save     @user.send_confirmation else ... end

The problem is that @user is saved before the confirmation is sent so my only option is to display a message that there was a problem with the confirmation email, and delete the record after.

Is there a method like @user.save_test so that I can make something like this:

@user.get_confirmation if @user_save_test    if @user.send_confirmation        @user.save    end end

Thanks in advance.

You should use a before_save callback in your model. Something like this:

Class User   def before_save     self.send_confirmation if self.valid?   end end

Also, you should take a look at: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/activerecord_validations_callbacks.html

Hope it helps.


Yes it helps. Thank you. Love your sig.