Temporary disabling after_update


I am trying to replace my old database trigger with ActiveRecord callbacks in rails. I have a model like following:

class Action < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :inquiry

def after_update     #clean up all action associated with the inquiry.     Action.update_all("latest = ''", ["inquiry_id = ?", self.inquiry_id])     #find the latest action     latest_action = Action.find(:first, :conditions => ["deleted <> 1 and inquiry_id = ?", self.inquiry_id], :order => "action_date DESC, id DESC")     #mark 'Y' to the latest action.     latest_action.update_attribute("latest", "Y") if latest_action end


Model "Inquiry" has many "actions", so I want to maintain the field called "latest" to indicate the latest action.

However, this will not work. My after_update call another update, and after_update is recursively called. This will end up with getting stack overflow.

Are there any way to temporary disable after_update callbacks?

Thanks, Glen

Interestingly enough, update_all does not call after_update, so I just settled with following code for now. Please let me know if you have smarter solutions.

def after_update     Action.update_all("latest = ''", ["inquiry_id = ?", self.inquiry_id])     latest_action = Action.find(:first, :conditions => ["deleted <> 1 and inquiry_id = ?", self.inquiry_id], :order => "action_date DESC, id DESC")     Action.update_all("latest = 'Y'", ["id = ?", latest_action.id]) if latest_action end