About callbacks: after_update

You don't need to call save at all: update_attributes automatically saves the record.

Jeff softiesonrails.com

Thanks Jeff. update_attribues(params[:my_object]) automatically saves the updated params in the previous view but there are modifications that doesn't come directly from the previous view. For instance, I keep track of
who did the last modification or release the database record once it is recorded.

if my_object.update_attributes(params[:my:object]) # after_update is called    my_object.last_editor = current_user    my_object.locked = false    my_object.save! # after_update is called again end

Any tip? Is there a way o keep all the modifications in memory and to save it all at the same time? Thanks

update_attributes just does attributes= and then saves so you could dp

my_object.last_editor = current_user my_object.locked = false my_object.update_attributes(params[:my:object])


my_object.attributes = params[:my:object] if my_object.valid?     my_object.last_editor = current_user     my_object.locked = false     my_object.save! # after_update is called again end

if you're fussed about only setting locked/last_editor if the
attributes given were valid.


You can still use mass assignment, just change your logic a bit

@foo = Foo.find(params[:id]

@foo.attributes = params[:foo] # instead of update_attributes

if @foo.valid?

@my_object.last_editor = current_user @my_object.locked = false



However, if it were me… I’d make a model method

(in your model)

Saves the record by assigning fields

Requires you to pass the attributes, a user object, and a boolean