Template being ignored when attaching pdf in e-mail

The following code attaches my pdf with success. However, my e-mail template is not being rendered in the e-mail. Any idea's why my template is ignored?

require 'pdf/writer' class NotifierRequest < ActionMailer::Base

  def inforequest(name, email, notice_request, message)     @subject = 'Notice'     @body = {:name => name, :email => email, :notice_request => notice, :message => message}     @recipients = email     @from = "test@test.com"     @sent_on = Time.now     @content_type = "text/html"

    attachment :content_type => "application/pdf", :filename => "notice.pdf", :transfer_encoding => "send_pdf" do |a|       a.body = generate_pdf(notice_request)     end   end

  def generate_pdf(notice_request)

      pdf = PDF::Writer.new(:paper => "LETTER")       pdf.select_font 'Times-Roman'

      pdf.text "HELLO WORLD", :font_size => 17, :justification => :center       pdf.move_pointer(5)

      pdf.render :filename => 'NoticeRequest.pdf', :type => 'application/pdf'

