Generate PDF and attach to email on the fly

Hi Friends!

I have a controller action that can render the response in pdf format as well as html format.

Now, I need to attach a pdf file rendered by the above action to an email on the fly. How can I do this? What is the the best practice?

Many thanks!!!!!

Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:

Rails Learner wrote: > I have a controller action that can render the response in pdf format as > well as html format. > > Now, I need to attach a pdf file rendered by the above action to an > email on the fly. > How can I do this? > What is the the best practice?

Not everything has an official "best practice". But if I were you, I wouldn't do this. I don't like getting large attachments. What I recommend instead is to send an e-mail message with the URL for the generated PDF file.

+1 for that idea from me too. Not everyone reads mail in a "webmail" environment. If you pull your email on a small phone this is especially painful. The URL scheme let's the user choose.


Thanks Everybody!

I have figure out myself how to do this. I just passed the binary data of the PDF to the mailer and then create the attachment.

Thanks again!