Stupid question. I'm in deadend

I'm newbie. Please, help. I suppose it's easy :slight_smile: I have admin controller which is working ok and with usual controller I have trouble. This is app/controllers/team_controller.rb

I'm newbie. Please, help. I suppose it's easy :slight_smile: I have admin controller which is working ok and with usual controller I have trouble. This is app/controllers/team_controller.rb ____________________________________________ class TeamController < ApplicationController def show    @team = Team.find(params[:id]) end end ___________________________________________

And in app/controllers/admin/teams_controller.rb "Show" function is absolutely same.

Are you defining Admin::TeamsController in that file?

Then, app/views/admin/teams/show.rhtml looks like <% for column in Team.content_columns %> <p> <% if column.human_name != "Image" %>    <b><%= column.human_name %>:</b> <%=h @team.send( %>   <% else %>     <%= image_tag url_for_file_column :"team", :"image" %>    <% end %> </p> <% end %> But when I try to use this code in app/views/team/show.rhtml I get an error: " Showing app/views/team/show.rhtml where line #6 raised: You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.split"

I assume that @team.image is perhaps nil?

Try this and see if you begin to understand what your code is doing:

   <% if column.human_name != "Image" %>      <b><%= column.human_name %>:</b> <%=h @team.send( %>    <% elsif @team.image.nil? %>      <span>Oops! The image is nil</span>    <% else %>      <%= image_tag url_for_file_column :"team", :"image" %>    <% end %>

You really should understand what's happening with the scaffold code (and replace it with your actual code, scaffolding isn't meant to be permanent!) before you go inviting plugins like file_column to the party.


Rob Biedenharn

Thanks a lot. One check made role. P.S. plugin also is working fine :wink: But to get it working I spent a lot of time