String#chars vs. String#chars

Hi --

I was trying out trunk Ruby 1.9 and edge Rails, and came across the issue that both 1.9 and ActiveSupport define String#chars. I don't think I'm the first to notice but I did get caught on it:

   $./script/console    Loading development environment (Rails 2.1.0)    >> puts "hi"    /usr/local/lib/ruby-1.9/lib/ruby/1.9.0/irb/ruby-lex.rb:191:in    `buf_input': undefined method `to_a' for "puts \"hi\"\n":String    (NoMethodError)

The problem is that irb is using String#chars, and expects it to return an enumerator, but ActiveSupport has overridden it so that it returns a (proxy to a) string. ActiveSupport removes the original String#chars, like this:

       module Unicode          def self.append_features(base)            if '1.8.7 and later'.respond_to?(:chars)              base.class_eval { remove_method :chars }            end

and the defines a new version. Hence the blow-up in the console session.

I'm not seeing any solution other than changing the name of the method. Is there another way anyone can see?


I'm not seeing any solution other than changing the name of the method. Is there another way anyone can see?

Yeah we're going to have to rename the unicode chars proxy method to avoid this. We're hashing that out in this ticket:

Hi --

Hi Core,   The following lighthouse ticket discusses an issue with the way Time#advance works. By deferring all processing of days, and weeks to the Date class, we loose the ability to deal in fractional days and weeks.

As a day an a week are both absolute length of times, we can handle fractional ones just fine. This patch deals with that.

Looking for feedback on the basic idea, or if anyone has a neater way of doing it, but +1's or a commit would be nice.

Thanks    -Tom

Hi Core,   The following lighthouse ticket discusses an issue with the way Time#advance works. By deferring all processing of days, and weeks to the Date class, we loose the ability to deal in fractional days and weeks.

As a day an a week are both absolute length of times, we can handle fractional ones just fine. This patch deals with that.

#970 1.5.days.ago != 36.hours.ago - Ruby on Rails - rails

Looking for feedback on the basic idea, or if anyone has a neater way of doing it, but +1's or a commit would be nice.

Do you always expect 1.5 days to be == 36.hours ?

For example, if the time is 12.00 on 26/10/2008 and you're working in
london time, do you expect 1.5. days ago to be

- midnight on 25/10/2008 (which is what the current code does) - 01:00 on 25/10/2008 (which is what subtracting 36 hours does)

In 1.2.x 1.5.days and so on were just convenience methods that
returned numbers of seconds, whereas now they are duration objects.


The issue is that 1.5.days.ago == 1.days.ago, at all times in all cases. This feels very bad. The patch should handle this in a more sensible way, moving 1 day
back, then moving 6 hours back.

I agree that the duration objects are a much more accurate apprioach
than the 1.month == 30.days at all times stuff, but this is a bug
caused by date (quite rightly) expecting to move only integer days, or
integer months.

So no, 1.5.days.ago is not the same as 36.hours.ago in all cases, but
it is the same a (1.days + 12.hours).ago in all cases.

Any clearer?

So, in other words, the fractional part of a day would always be relative to a standard 24 hour day, whereas the integer part will be sensitive to the 23 and 25 hour days that occur once per year in zones with DST.

One issue with this setup would be: + 1.5.days + 1.5.days

would not always return the same result as: + 3.days

Is this edge case acceptable? Thoughts?

This actually seems to work just fine (which was a surprise to me, and
I'll have to look into why at a later date), adding the following
tests work just fine:

     def test_fractional_days_with_bst        Time.zone_default = nil        with_env_tz 'GB' do          Time.stubs(:now).returns Time.local(2008, 10, 26, 12)          assert_equal(Time.local(2008, 10, 25, 0), 1.5.days.ago)        end      end

     def test_fractional_days_additional_equivilance_with_dst        with_env_tz 'GB' do          Time.stubs(:now).returns Time.local(2008, 10, 25, 12)          assert_equal( + 3.days, + 1.5.days + 1.5.days)          assert_equal( + 3.days, + (1.5.days +
1.5.days))          assert_equal( + 3.days, ( + 1.5.days) +
1.5.days)        end      end

Do you have a test case that fails?

Geoff B wrote:

Actually, you're right -- it doesn't fail with Time.local instances. But it does fail with TimeWithZone instances, as of of this commit: . There's an open ticket on Lighthouse to add this same behavior to Time.local instances: #504 Time#since DST issue - Ruby on Rails - rails

But this isn't directly relevant to you patch, other than, when this Time.local bug (a holdover from pre-Duration days) is fixed, Time.local(2008, 11, 2) + 1.5.hours + 1.5.hours will (correctly) no longer be equal to Time.local(2008, 11, 2) + 3.hours.

I think Koz is right, better to have this somewhat counter-intuitive edge case than the current behavior of ignoring the fractional part of :days and :weeks entirely.

Given that we're fixing :days and :weeks options, would it make sense to fix :months and :years args as well?

...this example is with your patch added.

Do you have a test case that fails?

Actually, you're right -- it doesn't fail with Time.local instances. But it does fail with TimeWithZone instances, as of of this commit: TimeWithZone: when crossing DST boundary, treat Durations of days, mo… · rails/rails@676d6a6 · GitHub . There's an open ticket on Lighthouse to add this same behavior to Time.local instances: #504 Time#since DST issue - Ruby on Rails - rails

But this isn't directly relevant to you patch, other than, when this Time.local bug (a holdover from pre-Duration days) is fixed, Time.local(2008, 11, 2) + 1.5.hours + 1.5.hours will (correctly) no longer be equal to Time.local(2008, 11, 2) + 3.hours. I think Koz is right, better to have this somewhat counter-intuitive edge case than the current behavior of ignoring the fractional part of :days and :weeks entirely.

Given that we're fixing :days and :weeks options, would it make sense to fix :months and :years args as well?

This is where it starts to get iffy... (normal?) people almost always
expect a week to be 7 days, and a day to be 24 hours, but they accept
that a month is not a fixed duration.

We could have years behave in the same way, so 0.5 years ago is 6
months ago, so we can just have:

  unless options[: years].nil?            options[:years], partial_ years = options[: years].divmod(1)            options[: months] = (options[:months] || 0) + 12 *
partial_years          end

at the top, and that would be fine.... apart from a decimal number of
months does not work.... so where do we go from here:

  unless options[: months].nil?            options[: months], partial_months = options[:
months].divmod(1)            options[: days] = (options[:days] || 0) + ??? *
partial_months          end

so what goes where the ??? is now the question?

Do we try and wind the date forward by the known years, months and
days we have, then find the number of days between that date and the
same date next month?

Or do we assume 30 days and hope no one notices :wink: ?

Basically partial months are icky, and partial years depend on them,
unless we want to just assume a year is 365 days? But it feels more
natural to go the Years => Months => Days => H/M/S route (just don't
think about weeks).

We could also consider 52 weeks in a year as an option? But this still
skips out months...

The last option, is removing support for fractional months (and
years?) by making Numeric#months a method on Integer instead of
Numeric? We could even put a depreciation error message on

Which way are other people thinking?

We could also consider 52 weeks in a year as an option? But this still skips out months...

Plus it's wrong during leap years...

The last option, is removing support for fractional months (and years?) by making Numeric#months a method on Integer instead of Numeric? We could even put a depreciation error message on Numeric#months.

Which way are other people thinking?

Much as it pains me to say it, the best option seems to be removing / deprecating the use of fractional years and months. There's just not a nice solution in either case.

Agreed. I'll get a working day/week with nuked year/month patch
knocked up in the next few days.

Any better ideas welcome in the meantime.

- tom

If the issue is not being able to exactly specify what a fractional part of a month or year would be, keep in mind we do have the same issue with days and weeks in time zones that observe DST -- days will be 23-25 hours long, and weeks will vary in length if they cross a DST transition.

I do agree that the existing behavior of silently ignoring fractional parts needs to be fixed, but honoring fractional parts for just :days and :weeks, but not :months and :years, seems odd -- it would make more sense to me to either allow fractional parts for all of these args, and accept the imprecision (and mention it in the docs), or to deprecate them all, and keep #advance precise.

Geoff B wrote:

Much as it pains me to say it, the best option seems to be removing / deprecating the use of fractional years and months. There's just not a nice solution in either case.

If the issue is not being able to exactly specify what a fractional part of a month or year would be, keep in mind we do have the same issue with days and weeks in time zones that observe DST -- days will be 23-25 hours long, and weeks will vary in length if they cross a DST transition.

I do agree that the existing behavior of silently ignoring fractional parts needs to be fixed, but honoring fractional parts for just :days and :weeks, but not :months and :years, seems odd -- it would make more sense to me to either allow fractional parts for all of these args, and accept the imprecision (and mention it in the docs), or to deprecate them all, and keep #advance precise.

The previous imprecise behaviour of 1.month.ago was a troll magnet, I'm loathe to start feeding those guys again...

The reality is that people almost certainly have a finite number of these calls in their code, I don't think there'll be too many people doing:


So deprecating or warning with fractional durations seems ok. But at the same time (1.5.months + 2.5.months).ago can work, right? So long as the call to advance resolves to no remainder everything's fine?

Just warning when you pass a float with a decimal part into advance is
not very helpful, people need to know they are doing something dumb
all the time, not just when it goes wrong.

Updated the ticket to what I would like to see. I've kept the fixes to
partial days and weeks, because they are fairly predictable, and the
edge case is worth it (IMHO).

Thanks   -Tom