SQLite3 id not being updated immediately after save.

Summary For some reason right after I save a model to the db, the id says '0'...yet next transaction the db properly has it listed as the correct id.


I have a SQLite3 DB with the following schema:   CREATE TABLE projects (         id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL,         address TEXT NOT NULL,         created_on INTEGER,         updated_on INTEGER   );

I have a corresponding Project model.

In one of my controllers, I have the following code:   project = Project.new   project.address = @params[ 'address' ]   if project.save     p "Assigning id: #{project.id}!!!"     # ...stuff that relies on the id being correct...   end

When I run that controller/view, I see "Assigning id: 0!!!" in the output. When I then do a Project.find_all, or query the DB directly, it properly has an id of 1.

This occurs for all projects created by that view (not just the first). The id 0 problem occurs not just using project.save directly in a controller, but also when using the after_create or after_save callbacks inside the model.

Is this a known problem with SQLite3? Do I need to bite the bullet and let rails tell me what kind of DB to use?

Or is this a misunderstanding on my part? Is there something else I need to do to get the actual ID of the row that I've just created? (My desire is to then create a bunch of other models as defaults that are associated in a has_many relationship with the Project.)

I've got something of a test case in the console here:

Slim:~/Sites/SpecBook gavinkistner$ script/console Loading development environment.



proj = Project.new( :address=>'foo', :project_status_id=>1 )

=> #<Project:0x1379438 @new_record=true, @attributes={"created_on"=>nil, "project_status_id"=>1, "updated_on"=>nil, "address"=>"foo"}>

if proj.save then p proj end

#<Project:0x1379438 @new_record_before_save=true, @errors=#<ActiveRecord::Errors:0x1356244 @errors={}, @base=#<Project:0x1379438 ...>>, @new_record=false, @project_status=#<ProjectStatus:0x134bb28 @attributes={"name"=>"Internal", "id"=>"1"}>, @attributes={"created_on"=>nil, "project_status_id"=>1, "updated_on"=>Sun Oct 29 21:16:13 -0700 2006, "id"=>0, "address"=>"foo"}> => nil


=> 0


=> [#<Project:0x131d868 @attributes={"created_on"=>nil, "project_status_id"=>"1", "updated_on"=>"1162181773", "id"=>"3", "address"=>"foo"}>]

What's going on here? Is this expected behavior?

I ran into this recently. The fix I did is is below.

The odd thing is, on two different, but exactly configured systems, one would show this problem, and the other would work fine.

I never received any responses to my emails, but ended up digging this solution, after several days.

Hope it helps.

John Tsombakos wrote:

I ran into this recently. The fix I did is is below.

The odd thing is, on two different, but exactly configured systems, one would show this problem, and the other would work fine.

I never received any responses to my emails, but ended up digging this solution, after several days.


Fantastic, that did it. Thanks! (Also on Mac OS X, 10.4.)

I think I even read something that said "You need SWIG installed", and then when the gem installed OK I said "Huh...I guess I had it installed."

For the record, I did "sudo gem uninstall sqlite3-ruby", then downloaded the SWIG project and built it locally, and then ran "sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby".

Items properly have their ID now after saving.

Be nice if someone savvier than I could figure out the root cause of this (endianness?) and fix it so that no one else runs into the trouble.