Something went wrong

you think, maybe you forgot something when you posted this?

Vapor Rails wrote:

gene tani wrote:

-- Posted via

you think, maybe you forgot something when you posted this?

I am not sure what. This problem is embarrassing me whenever I present a demo to my colleagues

He means you forgot to post things like log messages.

this seems like a pretty important piece to the puzzle:

Mysql::Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query: UPDATE sessions SET `data` = 'BAh7BzoJdXNlcm86CVVzZXIKOhBAYXR0cmlidXRlc3sIIgdpZCIGMSINcGFz\nc3dvcmQiLTFlYmRhOTUxYjIwNDhiNDBmNjhkZWMzZDhjMTZhYmZmMjg3NTVh\nYjkiCmxvZ2luIgd3YToKQGJ1Z3MwOg9AaGlzdG9yaWVzMDoOQGNvbW1lbnRz\nMDoNQGFzc2lnbnMwIgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rpb25Db250cm9sbGVyOjpGbGFz\naDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsA\n', `session_id` = '9e74f52595ef51c4520e3e4e46f14e9f', `updated_at` = '2007-09-06 10:24:58' WHERE `id` = 32

is your mysql server local?

looks like mysql-server timeout to me. Mysql closes the connection after 12hour if there is no traffic on the connection. You need to make sure that something calls a page every 6h or so. afaik there is no solution within rails so far.

for development just make sure to restart the application right before you show it to someone (mongrel_rails restart)
