small doubt HELP me

this is really basic, basic, basic stuff. you should really read up on your basics instead of asking people to code for you.

anyway, in your controller get all the entries you want to desplay:   @entries = Entry.all

then in your view iterate through all entries:   <% for entry in @entries do %>     <Div id='<%= %>'style='color:<%= entry.color %>'><%= entry.when %></Div>   <% end %>

of course you could use partials as well. but as you obviously don't know much about rails, I won't go into that here. seriously learn some basics.

#1 well, if you just go like this:   entry.when - you'll get the seconds in between both times. you can then calculate minutes, hours, days, ...

#2 filling in the values should then be a piece of cake.

#3 what you are looking for is not an array, but a hash. shouldn't be problem, once you've figured out how to write some ruby-code.

i'm still not sure, what exactly you are trying to do, but try something like this:

  # create hash   hash =   # iterate through your entries   for entry in @entries do     # create date     date = entry.when.to_date     # calculate range in days     days = (( - entry.when)/86400).round)     # for every day add a value to hash     days.times do       # build the string       string = "<Div id='1' style='color:" + entry.color + "'>" + entry.description + "</Div>"       if hash.has_key?(date)         # append string         string = hash[date] + string       end       # add to hash       hash.merge!({date => string})       # increase date       date = date.advance(:days => 1)     end   end

  # iterate through your hash   hash.each_pair do |key, value|     # output     puts key + '=>' + value   end

i should mention a few things: 1) i did this because i was bored. for the future, try it on your own and ask if you are stuck. post your code, so people can spot the error for you. don't expect people to code for you. 2) i did not test the code above. i just hacked it into this post. there may be errors in it. 3) your page will not work with all the divs having the same id. id should be unique, but as php-coder you should already know that...

You don't need a do when you're using for in

Blog: Learn rails:

Arrays do not have keys and values. Ruby is not php. An orderedhash is
like a php associative array.

Your description of your problem is not clear enough. Ask simple clear
questions and we can help then. You seem to be having algorhithm
problems, not language problems. Explain your algorhithm to us on
pseudocode and show the ruby you've tried and then we will help where
you're stuck.

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Nah, he has string fields

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Your English Has confusions!

Blog: Learn rails: doesn't take do!

Obviously you're not testing your code before you suggest it!!!

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hallo julian,

you already said the following:

You don't need a do when you're using for in

you're right on that one, but you don't have to tell me twice: doesn't take do!

especially as this is just wrong. try it yourself:   for number in [1, 2, 3] do     puts number   end

Obviously you're not testing your code before you suggest it!!!

i already said that:

i should mention a few things: 2) i did not test the code above. i just hacked it into this post. there may be errors in it.

so: obviously you're not reading a post before you comment on it!

You're right I skim them. Sorry about that. Didn't realize you could
use do there. It's definitely optional tho. I fail :slight_smile: thanks, I learn

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