SiteMeter v.1.0 Web Stats plugin

Looks like a really good kickstart to a "just what you want" stats add- on,

thanks for releasing ... sure I'll find a use for this soon

Thanks for all the feedbacks. Michael, the markup issue you pointed out will be fixed soon.


Thiago, I documented the features because I had to remove the same functionality in my app. Here it is:

1) Summary Display graphs to show monthly and daily hits. Tabular display of month, hits, percentage and unique visits for monthly hits. Tabular display of day, hits, percentage and unique visits for daily hits.

2) Hourly Statistics for a chosen period (month/year). Tabular display of hour, hits and percentage with the last column showing a bar graph.

3) Referrer Statistics Page URLs Top 30 - Tabular display of Hits, Page URL and Percentage Referrers - Top 30 - Tabular display of Hits, Referrer and Percentage.

4) Search Statistics   Robots/Crawlers, Top Domains - Tabular display of hits and domain, Search Strings - Top 30

5) Visitor Info Hosts - Tabular display of Hits, Hostname (IP Address), Percentage. Operating Systems - Tabular display of Hits, Operating System, Percentage Browsers - Tabular display of Hits, Browser, Version, Percentage Languages - Top 15 - Tabular display of hits, language and percentage.

Please include it in either README file or on the home page. This will help developers to see whether they need to write code for additional functionality.