simple ajax guides or tutorials

Im looking to add ajax to my website and wanted to start off small, I was wondering if anyone knew some ajax guides/tutorials or had there own tips on the use of some simple ajax. I looking for anything that can make my site look better or work better.

Alan Red wrote:

Im looking to add ajax to my website and wanted to start off small, I was wondering if anyone knew some ajax guides/tutorials or had there own tips on the use of some simple ajax. I looking for anything that can make my site look better or work better.   

I highly recommend this book.

Agreed. $15 well spent.

The next step up is this one:

It's a great book that will give you a broader base in many areas, not just ajax.

The general axiom for ajax is: static first, then ajax. By following that path you avoid getting domain/framework issues confused with RJS issues. That's especially a concern when you're just starting out.

Specifically for Ajax on RoR, the book Agile Web Development with Rails by Thomas and Hansson has an excellent intro. It covers all the basics.

RoR Power

Alan Red wrote:

I happened to be browsing through the Scott Raymond book "Ajax on Rails" when your message popped up.

It's a good book but some of the examples don't work the same under Rails 2.0.2. A little consulting at solved the problem though. And if you type in all the examples in chapter 3 into one page you'll get conflicting id's.

The api docs refer to the scriptaculous page, and I was surprised to see rails examples there that told me what I wanted to know. For example: To find it I had to Google: 'sortable_element'.

The example of using sortable_element in Raymond's chapter 4 leaves out the requirements for #id's that are explained on the scriptaculous site. But that's the exception, not the rule. It's a pretty good book.

And Raymond has a chapter on security, which was a nice surprise.